Simbound during the quarantine

Explore how Simbound navigated the challenges of quarantine, contributing to Edtech initiatives in Romania and leading the charge in #EuvsVirus hackathon. Discover their commitment to education amidst crisis.

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Sim Bot

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  • Simbound
  • Edtech
  • Quarantine
Edtech Romania Logo and Text

Simbound led the way with the “Edtech Romania” initiative following the example of several European countries.

Thank you for trusting us with your courses during these unprecedented times. At Simbound, we have been surprised by the speed at which events have unfolded over the past two months. We had to stop work and work from home, and now we are slowly making our way back to the office. While we were on lockdown, we contributed to two non-profit initiatives that express our solidarity with those working in education. We are not just about business, and we emphatize with education professionals. If Simbound can help you or your projects during this time, please let us know.

Edtech Romania Logo and Text

Edtech Romania - Solidarity with Schools in times of Crisis

This community aims to connect schools, universities and training centers with the latest Edtech technologies developed by Romanian companies. A few companies have joined us and have agreed to supply their services for free to schools and universities during the ongoing lockdown. With schools being shut down at least until September 2020, educational technology products have become essential, trying to reconstruct in-person course experiences. Kudos to the Simbound team and to all the Romanian companies which joined our movement of solidarity. Also you should check out the facebook group for the Romanian Edtech community (not a Simbound initiative):

Edtech Partnership for Romania

We are ready to further develop and invest more resources into building up the fast growing Edtech business community in Romania and are looking for like-minded partners who already have experience in delivering Edtech solutions. And btw the Simbound Romania reseller channel is open for applications. Apply here:

The world’s biggest online hackathon: #EuvsVirus 2014

Simbound founder and CEO Louis Havriliuc volunteered to lead the e-learning methods and tools challenge (challenge #23 out of 36). Over the weekend of April 24-26, more than 100 teams from across Europe tackled the current school lockdown situation and hacked new digital learning technologies. Code was written, friendships were made, and new solutions are now coming to light. It was an unforgettable experience for all the +20,000 people who registered: organizers, teams, mentors, promoters, all of whom were volunteers! The winners in the e-Learning category are:
which is an AI-based solution that simplifies educational activities, focuses on test remediation, and acts as a learning companion. Feel free to browse some of other the proposed hacks here.

Sim Bot - representing Simbound in the EUvsVirus challenge

About Simbound

Simbound is a pioneer in e-marketing simulation. Simbound provides services to clients through an online technology platform that can simulate digital consumer behavior at scale and under different conditions. Simbound has been awarded by the European Commission and Finnova as the best educational technology startup for 2017.